In general, the Galactic Federation tends to leave Earth to develop independently in its own way.
The exception to this is that there are a number of Starseeds and Star Beings who have decided to either conduct their own projects on Earth or communicate with chosen individuals on Earth.
Here are some examples of ways in which Beings of the Galactic Federation may have links on Earth and/or be working with humans on Earth.
Example 1: Social Visit
A Galactic Federation Being (‘GFB’ for short) decides that they would like to get in touch with a particular human being (let’s call her Alice). The GFB therefore comes into Alice’s house and attempts to communicate with Alice.
The purpose of the GFB’s communication is to remind Alice that she shares many good memories with the GFB from previous lifetimes when they were incarnated together on other planets. The GFB may talk to Alice about these events in an attempt to trigger her remembrance.
In this instance, the contact between the GFB and Alice is purely a friendly social visit. There is no larger purpose other than to remind Alice of her links to the wider galaxy and the times she spent with star beings on other planets.
Example 2: Providing Information
A GFB and Peter have decided that they will be working together to write two books about life on Planet X, to be published on Earth.
In this case, the GFB and Peter are working together to create physical products, i.e. two books on life on Planet X. They may be communicating regularly to discuss the contents of the book, the GFB may be giving Peter case studies of the Beings on Planet X, Peter may be asking the GFB questions on the details of specific domains of life on Planet X, etc.
This is a case of a GFB and a human being actively co-creating something for Earth. The books on Planet X may eventually be published and be widely read by many people, improving the level of knowledge amongst human beings of other planets in the galaxy.
Example 3: Technical Project
A group of GFBs have decided that they wish to work with Sam and Alec to design an energy field that helps open people to galactic communications. This group of GFBs believes that human beings should be given the opportunity – if they choose – to experience off-planet communications.
Sam and Alec therefore talk to the group of GFBs and work with them to set up the communications field. They may be receiving instructions from the GFBs for a period of time on how to set up the field. Once they have completed receiving the downloads, Sam and Alec proceed to build the energy grid for galactic communications.
In this case, the GFBs are working with Sam and Alec on constructing an experiential resource for human beings on Earth – a resource that human beings can use for off-planet communications.
Example 4: Social Project
A group of GFBs are working with Elaine, Paul, Louise and Michael to help the four of them set up a school for gifted children.
Elaine, Paul, Louise and Michael regularly communicate with the GFBs. The GFBs are giving them information and helping them design the best practices for educating gifted children.
In this case, the GFBs, Elaine, Paul, Louise and Michael all belong to the same star family. Elaine, Paul, Louise and Michael are incarnated on Earth while other members of their star family team are not in human incarnation. Both sub-groups (incarnated and un-incarnated) of the star family are working in concert to set up a school on Earth. Therefore, this is a case of one star group which has split into two sub-teams in order to implement a singular project on Earth.
Example 5: Large-Scale Multi-Modal Project
10 people are working together on Earth to create a galactic foundation to anchor in new galactic portals for humanity.
A group of GFBs is working together with the 10 people on the anchoring of the portals. These GFBs may be instructing the 10 people on the science of portals, how to create them, and how to place them in physical places on Earth.
This is a huge project that involves a variety of GFBs from different star races and 10 people who are incarnated on Earth. Therefore, it is a multi-star-race plus multi-human project.
Which one are you?
These are some examples of how Beings from the Galactic Federation might be working with incarnated human beings. You may recognize yourself in some of these examples if you are communicating and/or receiving downloads from your galactic friends!
12 Star Races on Earth and Their Characteristics as Humans
Finding Yourself : 7 Activations for Awakening to Your Galactic Presence
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