Resources, activations, and customized healing work for Starseed Needs
Soul Purpose reading
If you’re looking for direction, if you want to pinpoint your purpose and get clear on your next steps, get a soul purpose reading.
Starseed SHINE!
Discover your galactic history and soul purpose. Fully activate your purpose so you can SHINE! and start serving those who are meant to receive your gifts.
Your DNA
Repattern, activate and heal your DNA. Remove devitalizing traits from your genes and bring in vitalizing ones. Learn how to do this for yourself and for clients if you choose.
Super-Psychic Development
Activate and supercharge your psychic senses so you can channel and access information from a wide variety of sources, including galactic ones.
Galactic Reconnection
Learn to speak with your galactic guides and channel the Galactic Federation independently. Learn what your strongest psychic senses are and how to and leverage them for channeling.
Customized Programs
If you have specific needs, we’d be happy to tune in, take a look, and make customized recommendations for you.