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Accredited practitioners and teachers - if you would like to contribute an article or video to the news section, please contact us!
Contributions from accredited practitioners and teachers are also welcome for the Star Race compendium.
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Galactic Federation General Info
All the things you want to know about the Galactic Federation. Some things you might not have thought about. It's really not that mysterious.
Star Races of the GF Compendium
An ongoing project to expose Earth to the diversity of life in the galaxy. Each article talks about one star race in the Galactic Federation and their relationship with Earth if applicable. Some star races are incarnated as starseeds (bringing their unique gifts and traits into the human species) while others are observing from afar.
Space and Aliens in Popular Culture
Hilarious and serious stuff that people on Earth say and do regarding space and star beings. Includes both fiction and non-fiction sources. Some of it is truly funny.
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Accredited practitioners and teachers - if you would like to contribute an article or video to the news section, please contact us!
Contributions from accredited practitioners and teachers are also welcome for the Star Race compendium.
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