The Halo

Since the beginning of time, saints, buddhas and other types of highly enlightened beings have appeared with halos in their energy fields. These circular energy forms are a mark of their connection to places and spaces that transcend the level of awareness of 3-dimensional consciousness, allowing these beings to spread truth, awareness and enlightenment to all who enter their energy field.  

A halo connects you with places and spaces that source your energy field with transcendent qualities such as ultimate truth, awakeness, and full presence. As a halo is brought into your energy field, you start being able to access these qualities for yourself and gradually emanate them out of your field for others. 

In this series of initiations, you have the opportunity to receive two different type of halos that connect you to two different sets of qualities to support your awakening and work as a light-worker. 


The Golden Halo Initiation

The Golden Halo connects you with Ultimate Truth and gives you wings that permeate into multiple dimensions so that you can see more, hear more, feel more and know more. It also brings in a Christ grid into your body to allow truth to permeate through your entire energy field. 

The Golden Halo initiation starts first by opening up your Alta chakra at the back of your neck, which permeates gently into different dimensions. 

We then open up your angelic wings, which enable you to navigate and soar through the dimensions. 

Lastly, the golden halo is brought in, appearing first as a circular disk behind your neck and head area then going all the way up to the crown to manifest as a circle above your head. The halo then anchors permanently above your crown. The Christ grid anchors into your field once the halo is in place, easing false-beliefs and other types of falsehood-based systems out from your energy field over time. 


The White Halo Initiation

The White Halo connects you with the living zero point field. The zero point field is a field of awakening, unfolding and new emergence where all that touch the field have the opportunity to awaken in astounding ways. 

In the White Halo initiation, the zero point field is brought directly into your body through the White Halo, which sits atop of and encompasses the Golden Halo that was brought into your field earlier. 

The zero point field then anchors into your aura through all your chakras all the way into your Earth Star chakra located beneath your feet in the ground, where it locks in to become to become a permanent part of your aura. 

As you integrate the zero point field into your Beingness, you become a living field of possibility for all around you, generating a field of awakening, self-realization and awareness wherever you go. 
The Halo

Since the beginning of time, saints, buddhas and other types of highly enlightened beings have appeared with halos in their energy fields. These circular energy forms are a mark of their connection to places and spaces that transcend the level of awareness of 3-dimensional consciousness, allowing these beings to spread truth, awareness and enlightenment to all who enter their energy field.  

A halo connects you with places and spaces that source your energy field with transcendent qualities such as ultimate truth, awakeness, and full presence. As a halo is brought into your energy field, you start being able to access these qualities for yourself and gradually emanate them out of your field for others. 

In this series of initiations, you have the opportunity to receive two different type of halos that connect you to two different sets of qualities to support your awakening and work as a light-worker. 


The Golden Halo Initiation

The Golden Halo connects you with Ultimate Truth and gives you wings that permeate into multiple dimensions so that you can see more, hear more, feel more and know more. It also brings in a Christ grid into your body to allow truth to permeate through your entire energy field. 

The Golden Halo initiation starts first by opening up your Alta chakra at the back of your neck, which permeates gently into different dimensions. We then open up your angelic wings, which enable you to navigate and soar through the dimensions. Lastly, the golden halo is brought in, appearing first as a circular disk behind your neck and head area then going all the way up to the crown to manifest as a circle above your head. The halo then anchors permanently above your crown.  The Christ grid anchors into your field once the halo is in place, easing false-beliefs and other types of falsehood-based systems out from your energy field over time. 


The White Halo Initiation

The White Halo connects you with the living zero point field. The zero point field is a field of awakening, unfolding and new emergence where all that touch the field have the opportunity to awaken in astounding ways. 

In the White Halo initiation, the zero point field is brought directly into your body through the White Halo, which sits atop of and encompasses the Golden Halo that was brought into your field earlier. The zero point field then anchors into your aura through all your chakras all the way into your Earth Star chakra located beneath your feet in the ground, where it locks in to become to become a permanent part of your aura. As you integrate the zero point field into your Beingness, you become a living field of possibility for all around you, generating a field of awakening, self-realization and awareness wherever you go. 
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