Have you ever wondered who your star family is?
Have you often felt alone on this planet, missing something inside of your heart, waiting, waiting and wishing that you will one day receive a sign from a family that you instinctively know you belong to?
Seek no further, your star family WANTS to connect with you as soon as possible.
In this session with Gil, we will open a channel for you to access your star family. You receive an activation to open and widen a portal inside of your heart through which you can receive a constant stream of messages and information from your star family that guides you on the mission that you are pursuing on Earth together with them. When this channel is open, you will be able to see, hear, feel and know more instinctively about what you need to do and be on the planet – including what actions to take – to anchor yourself and the mission you have come here to fulfill more powerfully on the planet. You get connected back with your star family, with the reason why you’ve come here, and with the action steps that are appropriate for you to take on Earth in alignment with your star mission.
Get connected back today. Sign up to receive the session with Gil, and receive the opening of the channel to your star families.