Learn how to travel across the galaxy. 

A Special  Teaching of the Galactic Federation Embassy

LEARN! How to use the Galactic Federation's Portal Network to travel throughout the galaxy. 

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Galactic Explorer Level 1

In the beginning of time, God created the stars, which were seeded by multiple races and beings. Each star system developed its own characteristics. Some developed scientifically advanced civilizations. Others turned to more grounding and nature-based types of pursuits. These races are out in the cosmos, shining as bright lights, welcoming their discovery by Earth-based beings. They are calling out to welcome you to them. 

The products and services here are doorways for you to step through to get connected with other beings that are in the cosmos. Use them to step through to the stars. Use them to revive the connections that you have with the star beings – to remember origins you hold from the stars and activate in your being the gifts, wisdoms and characteristics from these origins. There are star beings out there who are waiting to assist you with this. Your soul families are waiting to help with this. 

The cosmos is ringing you - pick up the phone NOW!
In the beginning of time, God created the stars, which were seeded by multiple races and beings. Each star system developed its own characteristics. Some developed scientifically advanced civilizations. Others turned to more grounding and nature-based types of pursuits. These races are out in the cosmos, shining as bright lights, welcoming their discovery by Earth-based beings. They are calling out to welcome you to them. 

The products and services here are doorways for you to step through to get connected with other beings that are in the cosmos. Use them to step through to the stars. Use them to revive the connections that you have with the star beings – to remember origins you hold from the stars and activate in your being the gifts, wisdoms and characteristics from these origins. There are star beings out there who are waiting to assist you with this. Your soul families are waiting to help with this. 

The cosmos is ringing you - pick up the phone NOW!

Higher Purpose Activation - Galactic Cards Deck

These individually activated cards contain portals, energies and keys that remind you of your mission and purpose in relation to the entire cosmos, and in the grander scheme of the evolution of human consciousness. 

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Galactic Trails

Embark on a journey into the galaxy to receive downloads, wisdoms and assistance for going deep into yourself and your soul origins. Receive the keys to the cosmic section of your DNA from where you have the opportunity to explore deeper truths about humanity’s connections with the cosmos and step off into your own galactic journeys henceforth.

Private / Group Tour

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Star Family Reconnection

Receive an activation to open and widen the portal inside of your heart through which you may receive messages and information from your star family that guides you on your mission on Earth.  

Private Session

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Galactic Channeling

Receive the channeling grid to enhance and supercharge your ability to communicate with galactic guides, star beings and extra-planetary organizations and collectives to receive their wisdoms and frequencies. 

Private / Group Class

Inter-Planetary Portal Travel

Build a foundation in interstellar travel through accessing regions in space-time that allow direct Point A to Point B travel over a distance. You learn to open your own portals for travel through the Galactic Federation network. 

Private / Group Class

Galactic Trailguides' Training

Learn to facilitate the standard version of the Galactic Trails tour by making connections with relevant assisting Star Beings and understanding how the characteristics of each pit-stop impact human consciousness. 

Private / Group Class

Galactic Trail-Masters' Training

Learn to create your own galactic trails to serve the specific needs of your students and clients. Draw up a plan for your trail, coordinate your objectives with relevant Star Beings, and watch as your special-purpose trail is constructed and opens for visitors. 

Private / Group Class


Construct your lightship with which you will embark on travels to distant parts of the galaxy to meet extraterrestrial teachers who will support you in your growth and development. Receive wisdoms, downloads and techniques from them that you may unfold and use for yourself and/or your clients on Earth. 

Private / Group Class

Fun with Extraterrestrials

Have your visual and extra-sensory abilities opened up in this class to see, hear, feel and know an extraterrestrial presence. Practice tuning-in to the characteristics of different types of extraterrestrial beings that have volunteered to be with and interact with you as part of this class.  

Private / Group Class

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